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How to Run a Successful Sales Meeting Using Followup CRM

Written by Erick Vargas | Sep 28, 2021 5:19:00 AM

In this 3-part video series, we share some helpful insights on how to run a successful sales meeting. I'll even be sharing clips from a live sales meeting held by one of our top clients, Best Roofing.  

1. Preparation for the meeting

2. Sales Manager Monthly Overview and Priorities

3. Sales Person Weekly Update

Step 1: The first step to running a successful sales meeting is preparation. Going into a sales meeting unprepared is obviously a recipe for disaster. Start by making your sales meeting routine and setting a weekly time and day to meet. For example, Best Roofing meets every Monday morning at 7:00 AM and is extremely consistent with this. Don't get into the habit of cancelling and rescheduling. There should be a set expectation for everyone on your team so that everyone stays on the same page and knows what to expect each week.  

The second best practice for the preparation step for holding a sales meeting is to set an agenda and stick with it. Don't just wing it. I can guarantee you that if you go into a sales meeting with no agenda, it will be very inefficient, you'll forget important details, and you'll likely get off topic.

Here's an agenda we recommend following during your sales meetings:

-Start by discussing wins from last week  

-Review your leads, bid, pipeline, and contracts  

-Your To-Do List for the week  

-Close with any hurdles your team might be facing as well as any needs or team may have  

Leveraging Followup CRM during your sales meetings is a great way to give a visual overview of where the company is at along with individual team members. There are few ways we recommend utilizing Followup in your sales meetings.

The first way we recommend leveraging Followup during your sales meetings is to display the home page so you can see an overview of the team’s pipeline, closing ratio, bid volume, captured contracts, and sales behavior hours. We recommend viewing this from a company whole as well as filtering by individual teammates to see where everyone is at.

The second way we recommend using Followup for your sales meetings is by pulling a leads report. To do this, go to the reports tab at the top select the desired time frame. Select the company and hit “download.” When opening the report, you'll be able to see the project names, based bids, sales and marketing status, account manager, and contract date.

The third way we recommend using Followup during a sales meeting is by using the dashboard to see what sales activities everyone has scheduled. This will give you a breakdown of everyone’s sales behaviors they have scheduled and will also show you who's behind and who's all track so you can fill any necessary gaps.  

Proper preparation is crucial for running a successful sales meeting and we encourage you to follow these best practices to help get your team motivated and on the same page.

Step: 2 Welcome to part two of our three-part video series where I share some helpful insights on how to run a successful sales meeting. In this video, I'm going to share a clip of Best Roofing’s Vice President of Sales, Ian Wallick, running his portion of a sales meeting. You'll notice Ian has an agenda that follows the format mentioned in our previous video where he touches on wins from last week, leads, bids, pipeline, contracts to do for the week, and hurdles:

Step 3: Welcome to part three of our three-part video series where I share some helpful insights on how to run a successful sales meeting. At this point of the video series, you received tips on how to best prepare for the sales meetings and watched a visual example of the Vice President of Sales lead a sales meeting. In this video, you'll see all the team members go around and follow that same agenda following the format mentioned in our previous videos where we touch on wins from last week, leads, bids, pipeline, contracts, to-do's for the week, and hurdles: