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How to Create a Proposal That Will Sell

May 28, 2022
Courtney Fuller

Proposals are the main asset that can either increase your chances of closing the sale or destroy it abruptly. It’s not uncommon to make mistakes and errors while creating proposals. We have put together best practices based on what we've observed over the years in the construction industry. We are helping the whole community to avoid some of the pitfalls and adopt best practices from the top construction companies we have worked with.  

The problem with most of the proposals are that:

Too Complex

They are too complex to be understood by the common man. It’s highly unlikely that clients read the legalese that’s included at the start -- they likely don’t understand the technical information. For example, suppose you put lots of technical information that includes lots of different units, TPO and flashing. Most of the clients are homeowners, businessmen, they don’t understand the language and the conversation blurs, and they lose interest.  


Pricing Isn’t Clear

Potential clients want to see pricing options. It’s best if we provide a comprehensive breakdown of all the pricing packages. Be careful not to overwhelm the client with too many options. The fewer options, the better as they can make a decision quicker.  

Price will always have a huge factor in the decision-making process. Don’t try to hide this. Make sure the pricing information is clear and easy to find as that’s really want the prospect wants to see.

It’s Too Generic

Using a generic, mundane proposal isn’t going to help give off a positive, lasting impression. Customize the proposal to your business and the prospect to make it seem like you put time and valuable effort into putting the proposal together. You can automate a lot of the process that makes it feel personalized. Followup CRM offers a proposal generator feature with several customizable templates that take seconds to put together and is stored directly inside the project. Using a tool like Followup’s proposal generator can help you save time while standing out.

Now, we will cover the Winning proposal best practices to ensure maximum success and more closed sales. After years of experience and observations, we are providing you with best practices that you can easily include in your proposal.  


The winning proposal best practice model includes three main elements: customers, problem, and solution. It focusses on the customer needs and demands; it covers their problem and provides the exact best possible solution. One without the other makes the proposal incomplete.  

The best proposal needs to contain the visual story. It’s important to make sure that the story is not all about you. Focus on the prospect and solving their problems. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “help, don’t sell.” Addressing the prospect’s pain points and problems will show empathy and increase your chances of closing the deal.  

Make it Visual

When creating a proposal, one should include photos of the damage (if you’re selling a repairing service) or product items, so that they can easily visually the end goal. Emphasize the pain so that they may feel the urgent need to sign the proposal.  

To sum up, to create a proposal that will sell, make sure you includee all these elements:

  • Build trust and authority  
  • Clear pricing
  • Make it personal  
  • Address the pain points

Focus on the model and cater the proposal to the prospect because they are the ones reviewing the proposal and making the decision.  

If you’re ready to start creating proposals that will sell and want to learn more about how Followup CRM can make this easier for you, schedule a live demo today.

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