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How to Nurture Construction Sales Leads 2

July 12, 2022
Erick Vargas

Nurturing leads involves listening first, showing interest in their project ideas and cultivating trust. Having an attitude that says to the person, “that’s an awesome idea – and yes, we can make it a reality for you!” is a sure path to being allowed to give an estimate and winning more of those bids.

OK, let’s back up a few steps to look at the process – how to nurture construction leads and convert them to sales.

Did you know? Studies show that spending time nurturing existing leads can provide you with up to 50% more sales.

So, how are construction sales leads nurtured and what’s the best way to go about it? In this post we’ll give you some proven techniques to nurture leads in the construction industry and convert them to sales.

Respond Quickly

However, the lead comes in, a phone call, an email, a request for contact or information through your website, respond as quickly as possible. A responsive, caring callback within 30 minutes has proven to increase close rates. Potential customers respond positively when you make their desire for more information a high priority.

Nurturing on the Phone

How do you keep the process moving toward that lead becoming your next closed construction deal? Getting back to them ASAP is a great first step. Now what?

Do not make “rookie mistakes” like giving them a sales pitch right out of the gate. Be professional, honest, and prepared to answer their questions. Find out what their need is, be empathic, present your knowledge and experience, and ask for an appointment.

After all, if you don’t take the time to listen to what they want first, how will you know how to present a potential construction plan to them that is tailored to their needs?

Be Attentive and Ask Questions

Listen to what the lead is saying, hear their concerns. Show genuine interest. Ask questions that will gather information about the customer and what they are looking for. The more they talk, the more involved in the conversation they will be, which will increase your chances of closing the sale.

Two people in an office space working and taking calls

Relate to the Customer

Look for a way to connect with the potential customer. Listen to why they want to remodel or build or replace the roof, etc., and when there’s a point of connection, say, “I can relate,” or “I know what you mean,” and then briefly explain why. If they come believe that you understand their situation, they will see you as an ally in the project.

Let Them Know You Can Help

At this point, you’ll have a clear idea of what their goal is. Now you can use your knowledge and experience to show that your construction company can make it happen.

Take Notes

Always take notes during your phone conversation so you will have all of the information about what they are looking for and their concerns. That way if the customer doesn’t take the next step, you’ll have it written down and won’t have to remember when you follow up later. Make sure to get their email address and permission contact them.

If you use a software to organize and track contacts, create an entry for the new lead using the notes you’ve taken.

After the Initial Phone or Email Contact

If the lead hasn’t agreed to the next step, set up an appointment to meet or receive a quote, then you will need to set a schedule for maintaining contact with them.

Maintaining Contact

Research suggests that 80% of sales require 5 instances of follow-up to convert them to a sale, so staying in touch is essential.

Man in a hard hat at a construction site working from his phone

Automated Emails

Many construction, home improvement, and service companies use automated software programs that send emails when a potential lead had taken a specific action –filled out a contact request form on your website or liked you on social media.

Automated email programs can also send emails on a specific time schedule, which makes keeping in contact easier. Or you can send them individually as you see fit.

How to Maintain Contact

The best way to maintain contact and nurture a lead is through email. You won’t interrupt the lead when they are busy, and they can read it when they have time. Sending an email every 6 to 10 days is recommended.

Email Content – What Should You Say?

The most effective emails include information that is personalized to the specific type of construction work the recipient has inquired about. They inform rather than “push.” For instance, if they are looking for kitchen remodeling, send an email featuring the latest kitchen trends, most effective kitchen layouts, or a link to a blog you’ve posted about kitchen remodeling.

Provide your potential customer with something of value such as educating them about new products or innovations in the construction industry. Send them a “before and after” video or invite them to a demonstration.

Use email to position your company as an expert in your field and demonstrate the benefits of hiring you. Instead of just telling them why you are better, show them with examples or testimonials from satisfied customer. Demonstrate that you are respected in your field by highlighting your awards, positive news articles, or recognition you’ve earned.

You can add color, graphics, and pictures to an email, Always include a link to your website, social media, and even a blog that you produce.

Keep each email short, 30 to 100 words, and to the point with only one topic per email.

A Call to Action

Each email should gently invite the person to take the next step at their convenience – contacting you for an initial estimate or to discuss one you’ve already provided, for example, or to tour a home you're remodeling. If possible, provide them with incentive, such as special pricing during a slow season for you or a free consultation with an interior designer.

Email Schedule

The first email should be sent the day you first speak to the prospective customer. Thank them for their contact and include something pertinent to the type of construction job they are considering.

Follow-up emails should be sent every 6 to 10 days, and every email should include something interesting or valuable. Always include a link to a page where they can request you contact them.

These emails can continue indefinitely, or you can set a time limit based on your specific business.

Get Feedback

Asking your current and past customers for reviews that will give you information on your strengths and weaknesses. Ask them about their experience with your company, what they liked and didn’t like. You can use any negative comments to improve your company and the positive comments when speaking with or emailing prospective customers.

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